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100Faces100Countries Exhibition
As a 92-year brand that has always supported cultural, academic and artistic projects in the national and international arena, we are pleased to be one of the main sponsors of the 100Faces100Countries photograph exhibition by Mustafa Çankaya.
In this project of Mustafa Çankaya, we are in the photographs with terminal seats.
Freedom of Connectivity
Nurus Links® is the ultimate set of connectivity solutions integrated in furniture systems with desirable high technology features.
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Nurus Current News
We were in the largest furniture fair in Europe in Istanbul, Istanbul Furniture Fair We were in the Istanbul Furniture Fair, the largest furniture fair in Europe, organized in Istanbul Congress Center and TUYAP simultaneously between the dates of January 25th and 31st with our innovat...
And the BigSee Product Design Award 2020 goes to Pieces.
We are entitled to receive “TSE Covid-19 Safe Production Certificate”!
And the BigSee Wood Award goes to Take 5.
We are pleased to add Sofia to our more than 50 global networks.
Calma acoustic pods launch was held in Pilevneli Gallery, Istanbul.